Fotos: Australia – South Solitary Island

2Wild headed out to South Solitary Island today with a boat full of certified divers and snorkelers, on the way out we were lucky enough to see a pod of Humpback whales making there way up the coast.
All divers dropped in at Manta Arch for their first dive while the snorkelers made there way through the Gap. We had at least twenty Grey Nurse Sharks in the Arch and around the surrounding Gutters, Wobbegong sharks, schooling Trevelly and a Mantis Shrimp were just some of the other marine life spotted.
Surface interval done the divers decended down Shark Gutters mooring, making there way round to the Gantry taking advantage of a slight current heading South. Divers managed to see Green Turtles, Hawksbill Turles, Black Cod, Eagle Rays, Bull rays, and Blue Tangs. Also our Divemaster Cassie spotted a Humpback Whale underwater very faintly in the distance!!!
Photo taken today by Cassie at Manta Arch.
Source: Jettydive

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